Urgent Call To Action! Calls Needed Tomorrow At 10AM PST To Support CA Bill That Would Ban The Possession Of Parts From Africa’s Most Iconic Species


The Los Angeles Times reported on a LA trophy hunter who has been exposed for killing an endangered elephant in Africa. He’s now a target in a bid to end trophy hunting.

Tomorrow, August 4th, at 10 am (PST) is the committee hearing for CA bill (SB 1175). Our partner Social Compassion In Legislation will be presenting testimony. We urge you to call in to show your support for this crucial bill that will crack down on trophy hunting.

Instructions for calling in on Tuesday at 10am are below:

1. Call 877-692-8957, access code 2426237

2. SB 1175 is the only bill on the agenda that will have a hearing, and thus will come up right away at 10am.

3. When the committee starts to discuss SB 1175, listen closely, they will say when it is time to press 10 on your phone to speak in support of the bill.

4. Once you press 10, a moderator will come on the line and give you a number.

5. When your number is called, that is your turn to speak (make sure your phone is not muted).

6. When it is your turn, say your name (and your group name if applicable), and the city you are calling from, and that you are calling in support of (SB 1175).

7. After you speak, you will be muted, but can continue listening to the hearing on the phone.

Senate Bill 1175 will do the following:

1. The bill will crack down on trophy hunting by banning the possession of parts from: elephants, lions, giraffes, rhinos, zebras, leopards, hyenas, and others species from Africa.

2. The bill will also ban the importation of invasive wildlife or wildlife that can transmit zoonotic diseases.

3. The bill will eliminate wildlife from live markets, in which live animals are killed for consumption, including turtles whose shells are torn off their backs and frogs who are dismembered alive.

Anyone inside or outside of California may call in support of this important life-saving bill. Thank you! 

You can help all animals and our planet by choosing compassion on your plate and in your glass. #GoVeg

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