Help Save Millions Of Lives This Holiday By Choosing Compassion On Your Plate; Adopt A Turkey Today!

As Thanksgiving approaches, we hope you enjoy a warm and safe holiday. We encourage you to make a compassionate choice by leaving animals off your plate this year. Across the nation, numerous farm animal sanctuaries are home to rescued turkeys awaiting your support. By sponsoring or adopting a turkey, you can offer them the priceless gift of sanctuary by supporting their daily care, food, and shelter.

Farm Sanctuary was established in 1986 with the mission to address the cruelty of factory farming, advocate for systemic reforms, and raise awareness about the lives of farm animals and the benefits of plant-based living. In recent years, scientific research has revealed the severe harm caused by animal agriculture, a system rooted in oppression and injustice.

As the first farm animal sanctuary in the U.S., Farm Sanctuary has saved and provided a safe haven for numerous survivors of the factory farming industry. Today, at its sanctuaries in Los Angeles, CA, and Watkins Glen, NY, over 600 rescued animals reside, each with their own unique story. These survivors serve as powerful ambassadors, representing the billions of farm animals still trapped in the system. Their journeys have touched countless lives and sparked a movement that continues to shift hearts and minds across generations.

Here’s how you can help:

  • Adopt a Turkey: Support the care of one rescued bird at Farm Sanctuary HERE!

Ferris Turkey "The Underdog"
Ferris “The Underdog”

  • Adopt the Besties: Sponsor Serena and Thelma to support these feathered friends HERE!

Serena and Thelma - The Besties
Serena and Thelma

  • Adopt the Flock: Maximize your impact by sponsoring all of Farm Sanctuary’s spokesturkeys HERE!

The Flock's Featured Turkeys

The heartbreaking reality is that 46 million turkeys are slaughtered each year for Thanksgiving alone. You can choose a kinder tradition by going plant-based and adopting a turkey today!

You can help all animals and our planet by choosing compassion on your plate and in your glass. #GoVeg

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