Iowa Proclaims October 2nd As “World Day For Farmed Animals” Recognizing That 70 Billion Land Animals Are Killed For Food Each Year

Governor Kim Reynolds of Iowa has declared October 2, 2022 “World Day for Farmed Animals” (WDFA) across The Hawkeye State. WDFA commemorates that more than 70 billion land animals are killed for food each year, this includes cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, and other sentient beings who are caged, overcrowded, deprived, drugged, and mutilated in our world’s factory farms and then brutally slaughtered for our dinner table.

“Proclamation requests have been sent to all U.S. Governors and I’m particularly honored that Iowa has recognized World Day for Farmed Animals. My father was born in Rockwell City,” said Eric C Lindstrom, Executive Director of Farm Animal Rights Movement. “I am quite familiar with the economics of agriculture in Iowa and knowing that Governor Reynolds supports WDFA is very encouraging to our mission.”

Educational events, demonstrations, and protests are held throughout the U.S., as well as other countries. This year, in-person events are planned in Iowa, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, California, Oregon, Ohio, Florida, and Minnesota; in addition to numerous virtual events.

This year’s observance is particularly meaningful since 93% of consumers do not approve of the mistreatment of farmed animals. Sadly, nearly all farmed animals are raised on “factory farms,” where they are caged, crowded, mutilated, manhandled, drugged, and denied their basic needs.

Reports show that 80% of water is used for factory farming, in spite of widespread shortages and crippling droughts. Waste from factory farms continues to foul rivers and groundwater aquifers, worldwide, exacerbating the issue. The United Nations has declared animal farming a major contributor to global warming, and people everywhere are concerned by these developments.

On or around October 2nd, WDFA asks citizens to call public attention to these pressing issues, and to explore a wholesome, nonviolent plant-based diet. October 2nd is the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, who was the world’s foremost advocate for sustainable farming. The program also encourages a day-long fast against slaughter.

World Day for Farmed Animals is a program of Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM), a Washington DC-based national nonprofit organization that has been advocating for animal rights and veganism since 1976. For years, FARM was the only national animal rights organization fighting for farmed animals. This is WDFA’s 39th year as a globally-recognized program. For more information, CLICK HERE! 

You can help all animals and our planet by choosing compassion on your plate and in your glass. #GoVeg

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