Breaking! England Bans Plastic Straws And Other Plastic Items In An Effort To Protect Our Planet From Plastic Pollution
You can help all animals and our planet by choosing compassion on your plate and in your glass. #GoVeg
Joaquin Phoenix & Ricky Gervais Are Among Many Influential Stars Demanding An End To Bear Bile Farming In Animals Asia’s New “The Only Cure...
A galaxy of global superstars, led by comedian Ricky Gervais, pop star Mýa, actors Dame Judi Dench, Olivia Newton John, and Tzi Ma, as well as...
Breaking! Bill To Ban The Possession Of Wildlife “Trophies” In California Passes Assembly Committee With 8-3 Vote & Is One Step Closer To Becoming...
Today, Senate Bill 1175 passed the California Assembly Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife by a vote of 8-3. The bill will cut off imports of...
U.S. House Of Representatives Passes Amendment Increasing Funding By $1.5 Million For The Protection Of Critically Endangered North Atlantic Right Whales
Yesterday, the United States House of Representatives approved an amendment to the fiscal year 2021 Commerce, Justice, and Science appropriations bill, increasing funding for monitoring...
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Victory! Ireland Is Set To Become The Next Country To Ban Fur Farming After Bill Passes Final Stages
A major victory as Ireland will become the next country in the world to ban fur farming. The bill to ban the outdated practice...
More Than 170 Cats Have Been Rescued From Severe Neglect In Crystal Springs, Mississippi
Photos by Meredith Lee/ HSUS
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