10 Million Hectares Of Amazon Rainforest Has Been Designated As A Protected Area In Bolivia

A new protected area of rainforest in the El Gran Manupare Integrated Management Natural Area was just designated by the Municipality of Sena, in Pando, Bolivia. This vast rainforest safeguards many threatened and endangered species, as well as 9.2 million tons of irrecoverable carbon. 

The protected area covers 452,639 hectares, representing almost 8% of Pando’s rainforests and has significantly increased the region’s conservation coverage to 26%.

With more than 6 million hectares of Amazonian Forest, Pando is home to the largest proportion of well-preserved Amazonian Forest in the country and its municipalities have set the goal of building a green, sustainable, and resilient region. The establishment of El Gran Manupare aligns with this goal and received support from Conservation International-Bolivia and the Association of Municipalities of Pando (AMDEPANDO).

Jaime Aguirre, Mayor of the Municipality of Sena stated, “As a municipality, as peasant and Indigenous communities, we consider it important to conserve our forests for future generations, safeguard our territory, and contribute to the sustainability of our projects. It is important to conserve Pando.”

In addition, the newly protected area links Manuripi National Amazon Wildlife Reserve in Pando and the Municipal Area of Conservation and Management of Bajo Madidi, recently created with the support of Conservation International, consolidating a 10 million-hectare conservation mosaic in the Bolivian Amazon. This connectivity allows the population flow of numerous species and plays a significant ecological role in the structure and functioning of the Amazon Forest.

The rich biodiversity of this new area is highlighted by the presence of the giant otter and the big-leaf mahogany, both endangered species according to the IUCN. Enhancing its ecological significance are healthy populations of animals, such as jaguars, the white-lipped peccary, the lowland tapir, and several vulnerable species, such as the blue-headed macaw and the giant armadillo.

“It’s an incredible conservation story that began in the 1990s with the creation of the Madidi National Park and has continued over the years. It’s a combination of having a clear objective and consistently seeking opportunities to add new pieces to the puzzle. Protected and conserved areas remain one of the most important tools for conservation, with enormous potential to guard against loss of wildlife and stave off the worst consequences of climate change,” said Eduardo Forno, vice president of Conservation International-Bolivia.

The initiative carried out by the Municipal Government of El Sena, backed by Conservation International-Bolivia, represents a significant milestone in the worldwide efforts to protect biodiversity and environmental sustainability. Financially, the initiative is supported by the project ‘Our Future Forests – Vital Reserves’ in partnership with the French Ministry of Economics and Finance, and the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM), the Embassy of Sweden, and the Andes Amazon Fund.

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