You can help all animals and our planet by choosing compassion on your plate and in your glass. #GoVeg
Pressure Mounts For Arizona To Ban Dog Pack Hunting Of Mountain Lions, Bears & Other Critical Species
Conservation groups have submitted a petition to the Arizona Game and Fish Commission urging a ban on the use of dog packs for hunting...
Help Save Millions Of Lives This Holiday By Choosing Compassion On Your Plate; Adopt A Turkey Today!
As Thanksgiving approaches, we hope you enjoy a warm and safe holiday. We encourage you to make a compassionate choice by leaving animals off...
Giraffes Are One Step Closer To Receiving Vital Endangered Species Act Protections
In response to a petition and subsequent lawsuit by conservation and animal protection organizations, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has proposed listing...
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New Hope! Rescued Begging Elephant Named Zara Begins Her Healing Journey At The Wildlife SOS Elephant Hospital In India
An emaciated female elephant, that dragged herself through the day, with the overbearing weight of a carrier, will no longer suffer after being rescued...
World Animal News TOP Stories Making Headlines!
1. New PSA Featuring Actor Jason Momoa & Other Well-Known Advocates Urge The U.S. Government To Relist Wolves Under The Endangered Species Act
A powerful...
Plant-Based Meats Are Becoming Mainstream As Nearly 1/4 Of Americans Are Now Consumers
Nearly one-fourth of U.S. consumers report eating plant-based meat or seafood products, revealing that plant-based eating is going mainstream and no longer niche, according...