Help Hawaii Ban Testing On Animals For Cosmetics & Support Nationwide Legislation In The U.S. Against The Cruel Practice

Yesterday, Senator Mike Gabbard of Hawaii reintroduced SB 2754, the Hawaii Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act in the State Senate.

Senator Gabbard first began working on this issue alongside Cruelty-Free International in 2018, making Hawaii one of the very first states to consider a ban on animal testing for cosmetics.

“Polls show that ending animal testing for cosmetics is an issue that unites people across generations and political affiliations,” Senator Gabbard said in a statement. “By ending the sale of animal tested cosmetics, Hawaii can join three other states that have already taken this step and will help pave the way towards a nationwide change to ensure that animals will not suffer for the sake of cosmetics anywhere in the United States.”

Last year, Senator Gabbard was joined in his efforts by Hawaii State Representative Chris Lee who introduced a House version of the bill. The bill passed the House but ran out of time to make it through the Senate.

“This bill ensures that cosmetics meet the moral and ethical expectations of a generation growing up conscious of the way products impact people, animals, the environment, and the world around them,” said Representative Lee.

On New Year’s Day we celebrated state laws in California, Nevada, and Illinois coming into force prohibiting the sale of new animal tested cosmetics,” said Monica Engebretson, Head of Public Affairs North America for Cruelty-Free International. “We hope that Hawaii will be the next state to take the cruelty free leap and help nudge the United States closer to a nationwide ban.”

Polling results published in September by Cruelty-Free International showed that  79% of Americans support federal law to bring cosmetic animal testing to an end.

If you live in Hawaii, you can help by requesting that your State Senator support SB 754, the Hawaii Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act. Find your State Senator HERE!

Everyone else in the United States can help achieve a nationwide ban by urging your Representatives to co-sponsor the U.S. Humane Cosmetics Act. More information can be found HERE!

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You can help all animals and our planet by choosing compassion on your plate and in your glass. #GoVeg

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