
Music Legend Cher, The Co-Founder Of ‘Free The Wild,’ Sends A Letter To The Edmonton Valley Zoo Offering To Help 45-Year-Old Elephant Named Lucy

For the last 40 years, an Asian elephant named Lucy has been living in sub-artic conditions at the Edmonton Valley Zoo in Alberta, Canada. Cher, the co-founder of the animal welfare organization Free the Wild, sent a letter to the zoo offering to help Lucy by sending an independent elephant expert to examine her and determine the status of her health. 

After some subsequent correspondence between Free The Wild and the Zoo’s Director, they were notified that their expert vet’s credentials will be considered to jointly assess Lucy’s condition at her next evaluation. 

In the meantime, there has been correspondence from the Jane Goodall Institute’s veterinarian Dr. Rick Quinn, about JGI’s findings with regard to Lucy’s health. Free The Wild has been given permission by Dr. Quinn to publish a letter with their recent findings, which, in Free The Wild’s opinion, are scientific and fair. Free The Wild has notified the zoo that their offer to send and fund an independent, elephant expert veterinarian still stands.

Born in 1975, Lucy has never been with another Asian elephant and her only companion was sadly taken away in 2006. Edmonton Valley Zoo’s limited operating times means that even the company of humans is few and far between. Lucy is 1,000 lbs. overweight and suffers from significant arthritis and foot disease. She has difficulty bearing weight on her back legs and, due to an inappropriate diet, suffers dental issues and painful colic problems which have caused her to collapse – seen lying down, slapping her stomach with her trunk.

With no place to swim, no mud in which to wallow or trees to scratch against, Free The Wild aims to work with Edmonton Valley Zoo to find an amicable solution in securing Lucy’s release. Despite being 45 years old, Lucy has an estimated 15-20 years left of her life.

Free The Wild aims to collaborate on existing campaigns in Alberta, Canada, and beyond, to make sure that Lucy lives her golden years loved and cared for in an accredited sanctuary.

You can help all animals and our planet by choosing compassion on your plate and in your glass. #GoVeg

You can help all animals and our planet by choosing compassion on your plate and in your glass. #GoVeg

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